Gin swilling, cigar chomping, overbearing June Buckridge has played the beloved character ‘Sister George’ in the popular BBC Radio Drama, Applehurst, for six years. But being the star doesn’t stop BBC executives deciding to kill her off in an attempt to halt the show’s falling ratings. Furious at the lack of loyalty, June’s precarious personal world heads into a tailspin.
First produced on stage 50 years ago, with the great Beryl Reid as June and giving Eileen Atkins’ her theatre debut as ‘Childie’, this ground breaking dark comedy takes us to the world of BBC television and radio in the1960s where perception is everything and no one is who they say they are.
With the recent revelations surrounding Jimmy Saville, was this iconic play an unwitting glimpse into the tawdy, sordid media world of the 1960s as it really was?
An Artful production The Killing of Sister George by Frank Marcus
Director: Scott Le Crass
Produced by Sarah and Justin Savage for Artful Theatre Productions Limited
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