

Yarico, an Amerindian beauty, is a young woman with great dreams and a fierce, independent spirit… When Inkle, the third son of a British merchant is shipwrecked on her island, he faces certain death at the hands of the islanders. In a courageous act, Yarico intervenes and saves him from his fate, marking the beginning of an extraordinary love story, which ultimately takes them to the island of Barbados.

The story of Yarico was first recorded by Richard Ligon in his book: True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados published in 1657. On hearing her story, Ligon wrote: “And so poor Yarico for her love, lost her liberty.

This powerful and epic new musical of forbidden love, betrayal and redemption is based on a true story that fired the world’s imagination and contributed to a social movement against the slave trade. A story of great historical significance that has languished in time, once revived will remind us of the value of freedom.  

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